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THe Artwork of BenJam'N Vincent

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Benjamin Vincent

Benjamin Vincent is a Dallas-based illustrator and caricature artist who has been listening to clients’ needs and meeting deadlines for over thirty years. As an illustrator, he collaborates with creative agencies to develop and bring to life the visuals used for storytelling in storyboards, comps, books, magazines, and newspapers. As a storyboard and comp artist, he captures the essence of the story for commercials, turning the art that sells the ideas and the products around in a short time frame. In addition, he enjoys the teamwork involved in collaborating with corporations and agencies to create provocative or humorous illustrations and bring abstract concepts to life. This website includes artwork done over many years of working with businesses, creative directors, and individuals. Creating art that communicates ideas has been Benjamin's occupation for the past 30 years. He's a versatile artist who can work in various styles and adapt to the needs of each client.


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